whereabouts failures for international athletes | international anti-doping attorneys

As an International-Level Athlete, you're held to the highest standards when it comes to anti-doping compliance. While you're focused on intensive training and competing against the world's best, it's also your responsibility to provide accurate whereabouts information so you can be located for out-of-competition drug testing at any time.

But the rules around whereabouts requirements are complex, and the consequences of unintentional mistakes can be severe. At Global Sports Advocates, we help International-Level Athletes navigate anti-doping regulations so they can concentrate on their performance goals without jeopardizing their eligibility.

How Do I Know if I'm in a Registered Testing Pool as an International-Level Athlete?

Your International Federation (IF) determines the criteria for International-Level Athletes who will be included in its Registered Testing Pool (RTP). Common standards include:

  • Competing at the highest level of international competition in your sport
  • Participating in major world championships, Olympics, or Paralympics
  • Ranking among the top finishers or medalists in your sport or discipline
  • Returning to competition after serving a doping suspension

If you meet your IF's criteria, you'll be notified of your inclusion in the RTP and need to begin providing whereabouts information to the IF through ADAMS, the anti-doping administration and management database. Your National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) may also have its own RTP with additional requirements.

What Are the Whereabouts Obligations for International-Level Athletes?

As an International-Level Athlete in an RTP, you're required to file accurate "Whereabouts Filings" every quarter. Your filing must provide a specific 60-minute time slot between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. each day where you'll be available for testing at a precise location. You'll also need to share details like:

  • Your overnight location
  • Home address and contact information
  • Regular training activities and locations
  • Competition and travel plans
  • Any other regularly scheduled activities

It's critical to submit complete, up-to-date whereabouts information in ADAMS by the deadline your IF specifies.

Most importantly, when plans change, you must update your whereabouts information as soon as possible to ensure that it remains accurate.

Many athletes find it best to designate a recurring 60-minute window, like the first hour of practice, for their daily availability.

Another easy way to help protect against whereabouts failures is to keep your phone’s GPS turned on at all times. This helps you verify your location if the doping control officer later claims you were not available for testing.

What Happens if I Have a Whereabouts Failure as an International-Level Athlete?

Under the World Anti-Doping Code, three whereabouts failures in a 12-month period constitute an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV). This includes any combination of Filing Failures, where your information is inaccurate or incomplete, and Missed Tests, where you're unavailable during your specified 60-minute window. Whereabouts failures are an often overlooked ADRV, since they don’t involve any allegation that a banned substance has been used.

The consequences of a Whereabouts ADRV are severe, ranging from a 1-year to a 2-year suspension for a first violation. Factors that impact the length of your ineligibility in this range include your degree of fault, level of anti-doping education, and whether there is a pattern of last-minute changes to your Whereabouts information.

How Can an Anti-Doping Lawyer Help International-Level Athletes With Whereabouts Requirements?

Whereabouts compliance is a huge responsibility for any athlete, but the stakes are especially high when you compete at the international level. The anti-doping attorneys at Global Sports Advocates can help you:

  • Understand your obligations based on your IF's RTP criteria and the WADA Code
  • Establish a reliable system for submitting and updating your Whereabouts Filings
  • Communicate with your IF and NADO to resolve any filing issues or missed tests
  • Build the strongest possible defense if you're facing ADRV consequences
  • Negotiate for lesser sanctions where appropriate based on your degree of fault
  • Ensure you're properly reinstated after any period of ineligibility

Anti-doping authorities have substantial resources behind them. Having an experienced lawyer in your corner ensures you're on equal footing and protects your rights throughout any proceedings. Most importantly, it gives you peace of mind so you can maintain your focus in competition.

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